Emmons Pharmacy

Medication Counseling

Personalized Medication Counseling

At Emmons Pharmacy, we recognize that every patient is unique. Our pharmacists take the time to understand each patient's specific medical condition, history, and needs to tailor medication counseling and management accordingly. Our expert pharmacists provide comprehensive medication counseling to hospice and IDD patients and their caregivers.  We ensure that everyone involved understands the medications, their purpose, potential side effects, and proper administration techniques.

  • Compassionate and experienced pharmacists to guide hospice patients and their families through medication management.
  • Tailored medication plans to ensure comfort and symptom management.
  • 24/7 access to our pharmacists for any questions or concerns.
  • Specialized counseling for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Visual aids and easy-to-understand explanations to empower patients in their medication routines.